Monday, February 20, 2017

It's National Love Your Pet Day! Spread the Love!

In honor of "Love Your Pet Day," Parrish Creek wants to share with you why we love our pets. Animals are our passion both at work and home. Most of us began caring for our own pets before we realized we wanted to make it into a career. Dr. Folland knew he wanted to be a veterinarian after nurturing his first pet--a Dalmatian named Duke. Our office manager, Debbie, bred birds for years and developed an intense love for the Avian species.

In our own words, here's why we love our pets:

Dr. Folland

"This was my first dog, Duke.  He was a handsome Dalmatian who received comments everywhere he went.  When he was one-year-old, he stepped on a piece of glass and severely cut the tendons in his paw.  After two surgeries and numerous visits to the veterinarian, he healed completely.  On our final visit to the vet, Dr. Coulter offered me a job to work at his office.  I consider that opportunity my 'start' in veterinary medicine, which 45 years later, I have found to be a most interesting and rewarding career."

Dr. Stearns

"There were so many reasons to love my wonderful dog, Guy, but I think my favorite trait of all was his unabashed love of people. He never met a person he didn’t immediately love and want to snuggle with. If you let him, he’d try to fit his whole 90 pound body in your lap, otherwise he’d settle for just laying his head in your lap & taking whatever attention you’d be willing to send his way. He’d greet whoever came to the door – not always politely but always with the best of intentions.  His smile was readily available to brighten your day, and his fur was thick enough to absorb any number of tears. I will miss you always, my handsome man!"



"Zippy is an 18-year-old female yellow-naped Amazon.  She is the first yellow-naped baby I raised from Zachary and Sunny.  She is very social and loves to play little vocal games with people when they come to visit.  She is a very fluent talker like her father, but has a terrible singing voice.  She was learning to sing opera from my sweet little Scooter, but unfortunately Scooter passed away over two years ago.  It's obvious her lessons were cut short since she sings completely off key.  In fact listening to her sing can be quite a painful experience to one's ears.  Nevertheless, she is quite entertaining as has a sweet disposition like her mama.  I love her very much!"


"I love all of my animals in their own way. My love for each of them are all different and unique. From the love, affection and comfort my cat, Bonita, shows me; to the excitement my chinchilla, Mort; chameleon, Petrie; and sand boa, Krillin, show when I approach their cages. My tarantulas Katara and Nefertiti, and my fresh water fish don't show the same affection, but they are all my children and I can't see myself without each of them."


"Apache is a 10-year-old Pomeranian. She's my spunky little girl, runs the household, and gives the best cuddles." 

"Feda is a 2-year-old German Shepherd. She is the worst guard dog ever, a sweet girl, full of energy, and probably the world's pickiest eater."


"All of my ferrets were special and unique.  They provided my husband, Andy, and me more love and joy in the short time they were with us than most people have all their lives.  Every day I think of them and remember the cute little quirks they had.  I miss all of them with all my heart."

In loving memory of Satchmo, Casey, Roscoe, Isabella, Ben, Matilda, Stanley, Edgar, Abner and Ralphie.


"This is Burley and Dakota. Burley is a 3-year-old Pomeranian that I rescued from a puppy mill at 5 weeks, and Dakota is a 1-year-old Border Collie mix that came to us from the Human Society. They do everything together, go outside, eat, sleep, and play--you will rarely find them apart. They both have their own fun personalities and that's what makes them so loveable! I don't' know what my family would do if we didn't get to come home to their sweet faces every night!"


"Tiki, our Yorkie, came to us through a friend four years ago, with an unknown history and a lot of issues.  She immediately bonded with my wife, Debbie, and the two are still inseparable.  We're probably Tiki's third or fourth home, but she's happily settled into her forever family!"


"Tinkerbell was Parrish Creek's clinic cat when I started working here 12 years ago, and she and I hit it off from day one.  I adopted her and she immediately took over the house, and has even managed to convert more than one self-proclaimed 'cat hater'!"



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