Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Heartworm Protection all Year

A question we often get from our clients is whether or not their cat or dog should be on heartworm protection year round. The answer to this question is a big YES!

Let us tell you a little bit about heartworm first.

Heartworms are worms--transmitted by mosquitoes--that damage blood vessels and reduce the heart’s pumping ability in dogs and cats. It results in severe lung and heart disease. Treating heartworms once they are in the body is complicated; it requires strong drugs and/or surgery, and is expensive and difficult on the animal. Most heartworm cases end in fatality.

Heartworms being extracted from a heart

Signs of heartworm disease in dogs:

In the early stages of the disease, dogs often don’t exhibit significant symptoms. As the disease progresses; dogs may have persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue, decreased appetite, and weight loss.

Signs of heartworm disease in cats:

Cats tend to show signs of disease that are mild or extreme. Symptoms include coughing, some vomiting, lack of appetite, or weight loss. In some cases, a cat may collapse without warning.


At Parrish Creek, we take heartworm prevention seriously. We recommend pets be on heartworm and intestinal parasites medication all year, without a break. But Utah is a dry climate and there are no mosquitoes or parasites during the cold winter months. This is FALSE! According to data collected by the American Heartworm Society, Utah does in fact see heartworm cases every year. Even strictly indoor pets are at risk—they eventually will go outside sometime in their lives, and mosquitoes can also live indoors.

Here’s the issue with limiting your pet to heartworm protection only during warm months:

How are we to gage which months your pet should be on or off the heartworm protection? The weather this February is a perfect example. In many places throughout Utah, temperatures have been in the 50’s, and even 60’s. We have seen many pets outside during this warm spell. If say, your dog had gone off its heartworm protection back in November, and is still off that protection and went outside to play yesterday, who’s to say he or she has not been affected? Mosquitoes love warmth and water.

For safety sake and complete protecion, we highly recommend your pet stay on heartworm protection 365 days a year.

Proheart 6 is the ideal heartworm prevention in dogs, and we recommend this over monthly pills (however, in some cases, we will still prescribe them). Given every six months, Proheart 6 is an injection that requires little effort on your part, and provides continual protection from heartworm and intestinal parasites. A blood test is required for the first two injections, and if this program is followed, the manufacturer will cover all costs for diagnosis and treatment should your dog become infected.

For cats, there is no injection option available, so our veterinarians will prescribe monthly pills such as Heartgard or Revolution.

We sincerely want the best for your pets, and this means protecting them. Please feel free to ask our veterinarians or technicians if you have any concerns or questions about heartworm prevention.

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