Monday, December 16, 2019

All About Reindeer

It's the Christmas season! We thought we would share a little bit of information about reindeer–just for fun. No, they are not a myth like Santa (shh! don't tell anyone.). Known as caribou, these amazing creatures live in North America (not the north pole as many believe) and Europe. They are also found in other tundra climate areas.


Do all reindeer have antlers? Yes, however, antlers on males are typically larger than females. You wouldn't want to upset a reindeer. The males use their antlers to fight other males during mating season. Reindeer also use their antlers as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened. If you are ever around a reindeer, make sure to be careful. Those antlers can be dangerous!


Lichens (moss) are a big part of a reindeer's diet, especially in the winter. Reindeer also like to munch on leaves from branches, fungi, and grass. This makes them herbivores!


Reindeer mainly live in tundra climate. Their bodies are equipped to handle cold winters and snow. In fact, their hooves are large, and perfect for walking through deep, crisp snow.

So why are reindeer a big part of Christmas? It's hard to say. The idea of nine reindeer pulling a jolly old soul around in a sleigh started with old folklore. In our opinion, we'd much rather see caribou in the wild!