Monday, January 27, 2020

Weight Loss Tips for Your Pet

It's a new year and time to make those annual resolutions. Most people have goals to lose weight and develop a healthier lifestyle. Have you evaluated your pets and their health needs? Did they pack on a few extra pounds this last year that they need to lose? Besides the fact of looking trim and moving around well, pets who are at a healthy weight will likely have less health problems. This goes for all types of animals–dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, reptiles, bunnies, and more.

In our 30 plus years of being in business, we have seen our fair share of overweight and obese pets. And want to know the number one cause of obesity? Poor diet. That's right! By simply changing your pet's diet you can help prolong the life of your loved one. Take birds, for instance. A proper diet is everything for a bird in captivity. If they aren't fed the right foods, they can develop all sorts of health problems related to obesity. By simply keeping them on a strict diet of pellets mixed with nuts, fruit, and veggies, you are creating a healthy lifestyle for your bird. This means no bread, seeds (they are too high in fat for captive birds), or Twinkies (yes, clients have actually fed them to their birds), to name a few.

Let's talk about dogs. If you have a dog, you probably know they love table scraps. Whatever you do, don't feed them stuff from the table–no matter how tempting those begging eyes look. Here's a rule of thumb: if you eat it, they likely shouldn't. Now there are some exceptions. Some veggies can be a healthy treat for your dog. Carrots make great treats! The best thing to feed your dog is what your veterinarian recommends. Usually this is a kibble diet with the occasional healthy dog treat. Make sure not to overfeed or underfeed your dog. Usually the amount to feed your dog is based on their breed and weight. Ask your vet about how much you should be feeding your dog. In addition to a good diet, dogs need exercise

Depending on the breed, dogs should get 20-30 minutes of exercise each day. Some breeds, such as border collies, need more physical activity every day, but the average dog just needs to get out and walk. And if you're exercising your dog on a daily basis, you are also getting exercise. It's a win-win!

Cats also need to be on a proper diet as well. We want to remind you they need to eat meat protein. We had a client in the past who was a vegetarian and fed their cat strictly broccoli and rice. Please do not do this! They will end up being underweight and malnourished. If you stick by the diet our vets recommend for cats, they will be healthy and happy. Be also aware of feline obesity. Don't feed your cat more than they need.

Let's face it. Your pet's weight depends on you and what you feed it. As a pet owner, you are responsible for taking control of their health. A good diet is simple: feed them what they are supposed to eat, and don't feed them what they shouldn't.

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