Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Keep Your Pet Safe on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner, which means lots of food and lots of devouring of food. We want to remind you that just because you can eat certain foods, doesn't mean your pet can. Please take precaution this holiday when it comes to food, so your pet doesn't end up in the hospital.

Remember to not:

Feed your pet table scraps. Most Thanksgiving foods are high in fat and hard for animals to digest. Some foods such as raisins, grapes, and onions are poisonous to your pet. Be careful not to feed your pet pie or any other dessert, and avoid feeding yeast dough, as it can cause gas and bloating. If you would like to include your pet at the dinner table, get him/her a special, nutritious treat.

Give your dog any turkey bones. Although they seem like a nice treat, they can cause an obstruction and tear your dog's stomach.

Leave out the trash. Pets love to go through the remnants of Thanksgiving and can eat some things that can be deadly to them. Make sure to keep trash in a secure bag and closed trash can.

Allow your pet to eat decorative plants. Some plants can be toxic to pets. Keep them away from any plants or table decorations. For a list of poisonous plants to different species, click here.

We hope you and your pets have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

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