Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Average Day at a Vet Clinic

At a vet's office, you never know what might happen on an average day. And at Parrish Creek, we have our fair share of unexpected surprises.

Our technicians start the day off by preparing for dentals, surgeries, and appointments. They care for our Double Yellow-headed Amazon, Buckwheat, who will occasionally whistle and say, "Good morning!"

A few moments later Dr. Folland will walk in, causing Buckwheat to get really excited. Dr. Folland has raised Buckwheat since she was a baby bird, and so naturally she gets happy when her "mama" is near. Our staff are all convinced she thinks Dr. Folland is her boyfriend, but we'll leave that up to your discretion.

Our days are filled with puppies needing vaccines, clients getting educated about their birds' diets, and animals with broken bones that may need X-rays or CT scans. We never know what might happen during the day.

There have been instances when we are about to start a routine spay surgery on a cat, and receive a call that a dog has been attacked by another dog and is badly wounded. When there is an emergency like this, we drop everything and attend to the fallen victim.

One time when we were about to close for the day, we received a call that a dog had been badly injured after getting hit by a car. The dog came in with severe wounds and was struggling to breathe. There were large gashes on his leg that required stitching. The technicians and veterinarian worked hard to stabilize the dog before sending him and his owner to the emergency hospital.

On several occasions we will be experiencing a routine morning and Wildlife Rehabilitation Center comes in unexpectedly with an injured eagle. We've seen some eagles that have been shot and are suffering from lead poisoning, or others that have flown into trucks on the highway and require urgent care. Dr. Folland and Dr. Echols also helped Wildlife Rehab nurse beavers affected by an oil spill near Ogden.

We care deeply about helping animals, and when the emergency arises, we give our full attention to the sick or injured animal.

Average days at PCVC are usually not so average. Each day is a new adventure and challenge. We never know what may come our way and we love it!

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