Sunday, June 11, 2017

World Pet Memorial Day

What do you remember most about your pet? The way he or she looked at you, begging for a treat? Or how about that time he or she jumped on your nice couch with dirty paws?

Let's take time today to remember all the pets that have touched our lives, whether they are alive or have passed. We all have stories about our pets, and memories that last forever.

Here is a story of remembrance:

Dr. Folland's daughter once had a cat that was constantly aware of her needs. Her name was Amber and she always knew when to cheer up his daughter. When the girl would have a bad day, Amber would be there to comfort her. She would curl up next to her and purr softly in her bed. This kitty was the ultimate teddy bear, and she didn't mind being held and stroked on the head. It didn't matter where Amber was--whether inside or out--when her name was called, she immediately found her owner. The world for Dr. Folland's daughter would not be the same if Amber wasn't by her side. Amber lived a good, long life with lots of mouse hunting and long naps in the sun. When she was close to 20, she developed kidney problems and the decision was made have her euthanized. This tore his daughter apart, but she knew it was the best option for Amber.

Spend World Pet Memorial Day reminiscing about your furry, scaled and feathered loved ones. It would be a good idea to write down your memories so you don't forget. Despite what some may say, our pets are family and big parts of our lives. They are there when we go on hikes and walks, when we are sick, have a bad day, get home from work every day and when we just need a friend.

May we always remember how special our pet are!

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